time + space schedule (b-block)
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W E E K _ 0 9
computer-basics & video
Thursday, 3/14 — West Lab
course_syllabus pdf
lecture_00: computer_basics iCloud (can be reviewed with presenter notes)
Mac OS demo
data management
exercise_01: Premiere Pro, part-I
review the syllabus
8.5x11 multi-media, blank-page sketchbook (supports markers)
black and gray permanent markers in varying sizes. at least 4 total
vocab_00: READ and research topics that you’re interested in—take notes.
exercise_01 due Friday, 3/15 Thursday, 3/21 (by 11:59pm) to the class OneDrive
Friday, 3/15
reminder to buy a sketchbook and markers (see above^ for suggestions):
watch video_01: Pipilotti Rist and complete response_01 by this Monday, 3/18.
start collecting/shooting video to use as inspiration and possibly for integrating into your project.
W E E K _ 1 0
Thursday, 3/21 — West Lab
lecture_01: video_art iCloud (can be reviewed with presenter notes)
exercise_01: Premiere Pro, part-II
work session
exercise_01 due to the class OneDrive, today (meaning by 11:59pm)
start/continue working
review vocab_01
remember to use your sketchbook to visualize some ideas
Friday, 3/23 — East Lab
work session
small groups class activity
due to the class OneDrive by Wednesday, 3/27 (meaning by 11:59pm)
we will review exports next class
bring headphones to all remaining classes
W E E K _ 1 1
Thursday, 3/28 — West Lab
assignment_01: review submissions
watch Sisters with Transistors – library login required
submit response_02 by Monday, 4/1
complete exercise_02 and submit to the class OneDrive by tomorrow, 3/29
Friday, 3/29 — East Lab
watch Sisters with Transistors – library login required and submit response_02 by Monday, 4/1
complete exercise_02 and submit to the class OneDrive by the end of the day Thursday, 4/4
use your sketchbook to map out some edits and journal concepts
start working on your assignment in the lab through Wednesday, 4/3
W E E K _ 1 2
Thursday, 4/4 — West Lab
lecture_02: digital_audio iCloud (can be reviewed with presenter notes)
audio recorder(s): demo & collection activity
work session
review vocab_02
review assignment requirements before submitting
due to the class OneDrive by Monday, 4/8 Wednesday, 4/10
Friday, 4/5 — East Lab
work session
due to the class OneDrive by Monday, 4/8 Wednesday, 4/10
watch video_03: The_Vasulka_Effect and submit response_03 by Wednesday, 4/10 Sunday, 4/14
sketch/storyboard concepts
review in groups on Friday, 4/12 (see page for requirements)
W E E K _ 1 3
motion graphics
Thursday, 4/11 — West Lab
assignment_02: review submissions
final_project: transmutations
finish exercise_03 and submit to the class OneDrive by the end of the day today
watch video_03: The_Vasulka_Effect and submit response_03 by Sunday, 4/14
sketch out storyboards (see page for requirements)
review in small groups during class tomorrow
Friday, 4/12 — East Lab
lecture_03: motion_graphics iCloud (can be reviewed with presenter notes)
work session
in-progress draft submitted to the class OneDrive by Thursday, 4/18
due 4/17 4/24
sketchbook to the class OneDrive by Wednesday, 4/17
review vocab_03
watch video_03: The_Vasulka_Effect and submit response_03 by Sunday, 4/14
EXTRA CREDIT — prepare/plan for Open Screening on 4/18/24
attend to invest in forming a community within expanded media
invite friends or classmates (now, as to better plan for it)
it is open to the public, so anyone can come, with or without work
plan to bring some food and or drinks! It is much more fun if everyone contributes
I will give extra credit for attending, more for bringing food, and more for showing work.
work can be ANY time-based media, and it does not need to be finished work.
W E E K _ 1 4
motion graphics
Thursday, 4/18 — West Lab
review requirements
work session
submit a folder of sketchbook images to the class OneDrive by the end of the day Monday, 4/22
draft (mp4 export) submitted to the class OneDrive by today, 4/18
due 4/17 4/24
Open Screening:
extra credit that scales: attending–> +bringing food–> ++screening work.
6:30-8:30pm in the McGee Audio Studio
come bring some friends and show some work for some extra credit.
can be ANY audio/video, including recorded performances, unpolished experiments, etc. Just bring a drive with the work that you want to show
This community-building event will help you become more successful as you go on with your time here at Alfred (even if you do not continue within Expanded Media).
A potluck will be taking place for all those who attend, and bring a dish to pass
Friday, 4/19 — East Lab
critiques of in-progress projects
guests welcome
presentation of work required
delivering feedback to peers’ work required
special video presentations for your first-year show can be assisted by Bernard if addressed by today
attend your assigned cleanup of foundations next week
plan for your first year show
due 4/24
review the final_project requirements now and again before submission
submit a folder of sketchbook images to the class OneDrive by 4/18 Monday, 4/22
W E E K _ 1 5
cleanup & show
Thursday, 4/25
foundations cleanup and show installation - see your Foundations schedule for full details
Friday, 4/26
foundations cleanup and show installation - see your Foundations schedule for full details
Saturday, 4/27
First Year Foundations Show, 2:00–6:00 pm