
This iPhone video sculpture fixates on reflective moments in New York City on ubiquitous electronic devices.

Five-Channel Video Sculpture
Five Personally Refurbished iPhone 3GS

BFA Thesis Exhibition — McGee Studios, Alfred University — Alfred, NY — May 10, 2014

This work showcases everyday moments, from various locations in Manhattan, on ubiquitous electronic devices. Each iPhone is looping a single moment in which I paused to allow reflections to transpire. They all loop a single video, of varying lengths, which have all been left unedited to allow randomized audio combinations.



Moments seem to hang by a thread in our minds. This thread is physically dramatized by using gravity. Even though the weight of the iPhones is not enough to dislodge them from their charger, it bolsters this sense of urgency within the viewer.

What becomes interesting is how the viewers interact with this new display format. Mobile devices have become these entities that users create an intimate connection with. Most viewers walk right up to this installation and pick up the iPhones, momentarily seizing possession of them to better connect with its content.


CCAC Member's Show
JCC Olean's Center Gallery
Olean, NY

Awarded an honorable mention and an additional group show in the spring.

Print on left by Alfred University Professor William Contino.

descriptions of content

This first video is out the window of a busy New York City department store. You can see the intensity of the traffic outside transposed with the energy-packed environment inside. The reflections of people in the store are quite faint, mixed with the busy atmosphere both inside and out. The music is loud and constant, furthering this intensive energy of the environment.

The second is a longer video as the subway car goes from stop to stop. The reflections seen are from users in the train car that I am in. As the train moves, there is little movement in the riders. The real dynamic of this video is when the train stops as people are boarding and exiting the train cars. The sounds of the Subway are powerful enough to draw anyone who has visited NYC.


The third video ten is in front of a sculpture of Duchamp's. I flipped the video file so that everything is upside-down, except of course the inverted view through the glass piece. I did not record for almost an hour, as Duchamp's title suggests. The audio is almost non-existent as the museum-goers pace around quietly, as they do.


This fourth video is a dynamic angle of a puddle, flipped upside-down so that the reflection is right-side up. This video perhaps has the most intimacy to it as you see the rain pick up and slow down. A trance such as this in NYC is hard to find and is usually broken quite quickly; as the traffic lights turn cars fly down the road splashing in puddles.


This last video shows a worker busy painting the walls of the MoMA on a lower lever while reflections of people explore a gallery. At one point a woman steps back to look to admire and install; little does she know that her reflection is metaphorically dwarfing the painter.